Trust your investments.
Build a portfolio using a combination of over 19,000 mutual funds and ETFs or use the asset allocation - Risk Tolerance and Suitability Tool - when you create a trust with KissTrust.
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2 Plans

14 Hypothetical Models
19,000+ Funds
- No annual fees
- Hypothetical Model portfolios
- 2,500 no-load mutual funds
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View Hypothetical Portfolio
- Lower annual fees
- Hypothetical Model portfolios
- Money market
- Over 19,000 no-load mutual funds and ETFs
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
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View Hypothetical Portfolio
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change the investment plans at any time?
Yes. Simply, contact the KissTrust Support Team to switch the trust’s investment plan.
Does EPTC create and manage the hypothetical model portfolios?
No. We use an institutional investment advisory firm called LSA Portfolio Analytics. They are a team comprised of PhD scholars, economists, financial advisors, investment analysts, and members of FINRA and the SEC, with a wealth of experience dealing financial compliance. LSA Portfolio Analytics is independently owned and operated and is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Eastern Point Trust Company.
What happens to the trust investments if I die?
Authorized users may be given permission to manage the trust investment plan and investments by the Grantor or Family Contact of the trust using the Relationship Manager. If the authorized user in charge of managing the custom portfolio dies, the Family Contact (or Contingent Family Contact) may intervene and decide to transfer investment management responsibilities to another person, change investment plans, or select a hypothetical model portfolio.
How does KT make a profit with the Basic Plan without charging a Trustee fee?
We are able to secure subsidized trustee fees for our clients in the Basic Plan using economies of scale and synergies with fund companies and other financial institutions we partner with.
What is considered taxable trust investment income?
To learn more about what constitutes as trust income, taxable events, and how trusts affect personal tax liability or other general trust tax concepts, contact our tax professionals.
How do authorized users buy and sell funds?
Complete the Investment Substitution Form (Form 5202).
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